Move forward on your healing journey with supportive writing processes and simple memoir-writing techniques from 20+ skilled healers and writers.

A free 4-day virtual event for sensitive, thoughtful, creative seekers.

2024 dates: March 26th - 29th

Meet your host

Hi! I’m Janelle Hardy.

I’m a writer, somatic (body) healer and transformational memoir-writing teacher.

I’ve been on a healing path since I was 20, seeking to find relief from extreme shyness, loneliness, chronic fatigue, intense tooth grinding and tummy troubles.

And it’s worked. I’ve found relief and healing.

I’m the host of the Memoir Body, Healing Story Podcast and the creator/teacher of a transformational memoir-writing course called The Art of Personal Mythmaking. 

All of which is to say - you’re in good hands with me :-)

I care deeply about the people I serve.

I trust this work, I trust my training and experience, and I trust the incredible lineup of skilled (and kind) healers and writers you’ll hear from during the Healing Through Writing Festival.

Most of all, I trust you and your longing for healing, growth, and kind, skilled support on your journey.

Sign up for the waitlist to join us to learn supportive writing processes and simple memoir-writing techniques while moving forward on your healing journey.

What to expect at the Healing Through Writing Festival

When and Where

The Healing Through Writing Festival will run from October 10th - 13th, with a variety of presentations to choose from each day. This event is entirely virtual, so you’ll be able to attend from anywhere in the world with internet access.

Sessions with Skilled Healers and Writers

Attend workshops and presentations from our lineup of 20+ presenters, workshop leaders and speakers, with wide-ranging sessions such as writing your stories of grief, of birth, of rites of passage and writing from the body. Your free ticket includes access to each presentation during the four days of the summit.

Private Festival Community

You’ll also have access to our private online community of creative, big-hearted, growth-oriented seekers just like you. Tap into the collective synergy of kindred spirits on a healing path! This is where you’ll be able to connect with the speakers and other attendees before and during the event.

Chances to Win

You’ll also have a chance to win prizes by showing up and participating throughout the summit. Be sure to keep an eye out for your BINGO card and come hang out with us in the online community for chances to win prizes, to be announced

Apply for a Scholarship Spot

For my transformational memoir-writing course, The Art of Personal Mythmaking, which uses body-based, trauma-informed writing prompts, stories like fairy tale and myth, and themed modules to support people who want to heal from the difficult parts of their life stories as they write their memoirs.

Upgrade for a Supportive Experience

After registering, you’ll also have the chance to upgrade to the All Access Pass which includes ongoing access to the presentations after the summit wraps up, premium bonuses from our speakers, and more! You’ll get all the details (and a special offer) after grabbing your free ticket! 

Healing Through Writing was created with your healing in mind.

It’s a workshop and presentation series that trusts you.

  • That trusts your discernment, your hunger for growth, the wisdom of your body, your creativity and your stories.

It’s a festival, not just about healing the difficult, but about inviting in joy, expansion and depth.

Healing Through Writing was specifically created for sensitive, thoughtful, creative seekers like you. People who:

  • love writing and other creative practices

  • are struggling to understand their discontent, their discomfort, their weird symptoms

  • are hungry to grow beyond what their cultures, societies and families have told them they are

  • feel the deep and potent promise of a transformative process

  • have stories that have been held inside too tightly for far too long

This festival is about giving you embodied, experiential practices and ways to write your personal stories that are healing.